Sometimes I love autocorrect.

I think most of us have a love-hate relationship with autocorrect — lots of “ducks” and “ducking” in my world, according to Apple — but every once in a while I think it’s pretty neat. And it got me Noodle’s boobies. Woot!




22 thoughts on “Sometimes I love autocorrect.

  1. Can’t stand Apple’s autocorrect. My least favorite – misspelling “that” as “taht” tries to autocorrect to “Taft”.

    Such a common name… or I’m too socially unaware to realize that lots of people talk about dead presidents from over a century ago?

      • Heh.

        That reminds me of texting while speed-cooking dinner a few years ago and the old iOS autocorrect fixing “get your fad (intended: bad) ass over here, I’m horny” to “get your fat ass over here, I’m horny.”

        Dave = teh fail.

      • Lol

        I hate the preprogrammed “Omw” to read a “on my way!” I would never sound so perky. So I changed it and Added new shortcuts only to have phone mostly ignore them!! Fucking stupid haha.

      • Ooooh yeah! First time that happened I was wondering if my fuckin’ phone was possessed. Although, it is fun to fuck with people and be ultra-cheery via text and then be laconic in person. =)

  2. I’ve seen the g-spot autocorrect before. What gets me is the non-autocorrects (the words spelled correct but my freezing or fat fingers didn’t mean to peck) such as “live” instead of love and my fav “clot” instead of clit. Such a turnoff to tell someone I live how they licked my clot.

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