Hyacinth is ready for summer.

I’m German, Irish, and English.  Read: white.  I gestated my baby for 42 weeks because my ancestors were from the arctic north, I have light eyes and hair, and a Scandinavian look (or so I’ve been told), I tan eventually, but will most likely burn first.  Therefore, there’s nothing I hate more than the heat.  The fucking goddamned h e a t.  Bleh.

I grew up in a temperate climate where it snowed once every 7 years or so, but the seasons were at least delineated by distinct temperatures.  Where I live now, however, summers last 8 months and the winter is over before I even get the chance to wear all my sweaters.  I long for grey skies and rosy cheeks.  But, whining is for weaklings and so I go hard and fast into summers here.

I’m not afraid to don a bikini and let it all hang out.  I don’t care that I’m not a hard-body (I like my soft-body); I don’t care that I am not perfect (I find beauty in my imperfections); and I don’t care that no one has Instagram-glasses and sees me as I really am (I’ll use the shit outta that app here).  I adore the water and I adore my body.  I guess it’s the one thing I can enjoy out of these blistering summers.

I hope you enjoy my enjoyment.



I wish I really looked like this.

A face should be where my hand is, don’t you think??

Mind the bow.

This is for Wanton Wednesday. Check out the other wanton bloggers!

Hyacinth with two men.

This pic should have gone with this post from eons ago.  I just came across it last night and realized it’s by far one of my favorites ever.

That's Troy's hand on the left, Ryan's on the right.

This is for part of Wanton Wednesdays, but the internet cafe I’m at won’t let me access her site, so I’ll have to link back later.  Fucking people and their delicate sensibilities…


Hyacinth bends over.

Give it to me.

I love the freedom of not facing my partner, of being able to be as secretly expressive as I want. It releases me.

Hyacinth wakes up horny.


Nothing sexier than early morning light. I hope The Neighbor appreciates my appreciation. I sent him a couple of these just now for his morning wank.

Like a good neighbor, Hyacinth is there.

Hyacinth crossdresses.


Nice flap.


It took two pairs to achieve this.

I was folding laundry last night and came across The Neighbor’s skivvies. Naturally, I had to try them on.

I was also folding socks, so then I had to do my best impression of him in them.

He thought I was pretty hot.